This is a prototype web tool for demonstrating the integration and visualisation of hydrological sensor data (often real-time) from diverse online sources:
The web tool enables mapping and graphing of data from these sites to assist with assessment of data availability spatially, and provides an example of the benefit of more standardised access to sensor data services. We aim to evolve this work to demonstrate use of widespread data standards to enable comparability between data from different sensor networks.
A key focus is on water quality data from the EA Water Quality Data Archive service. This service provides daily updated water quality data, mainly based on lab-analysed samples from rivers and lakes. Whilst the service has its own interface which includes maps of sampling points, it is not possible to filter to show maps of sites with data for specific determinands, or to readily understand the number of samples or summarise the results.
This tool enables water quality sites that meet specific criteria (sufficient number of values of selected determinands) to be identified across catchments, and for sites to be visualised on the map based on the long-term mean of results from a selected determinand, enabling first pass mapping of pollutant levels in rivers.
Much of the data behind this portal is available via the UK-SCAPE hydrology API, which is a first-pass at standarding the means for requesting data from UK environmental data APIs, and at formatting the data returned. This makes it far easier to integrate data from different service providers. We aim to evolve this work to demonstrate use of widespread data standards to enable comparability between data from different sensor networks.
We would love to hear how useful this tool is for you. Please send feedback or questions to:
This work is aiming to improve access to UK monitoring data for researchers, and was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council award number NE/R016429/1 as part of the UK Status, Change and Projections of the Environment (UK-SCAPE) programme delivering National Capability.