The boxplot presents the results for all 100 simulations of w@h2.
For inter-comparison of the 3 periods of the W@H2 data, the period of 1975–2004 of the Baseline should be used and compared with the future time slices.

The boxplot presents the results for all 100 simulations of w@h2.
For inter-comparison of the 3 periods of the W@H2 data, the period of 1975–2004 of the Baseline should be used and compared with the future time slices.

The boxplots presents the results for all 100 simulations of w@h2.
For inter-comparison of the 3 periods of the W@H2 data, the period of 1975–2004 of the Baseline should be used and compared with the future time slices.

Click the Update button below to update the plot.


The boxplots present the combined results for all starting months based on the HadUK dataset.
*Overlap: The percentage of common events for each pair.
**Spearman Correlation: Quantifies the rank correlation of the common events for each pair. Value of 1 corresponds to identical order.

Rank Duration (months) Start month Start year End month End year Scenario Accumulated rainfall (mm) Severity (%LTA) Baseline LTA (mm) Return period range (years) Return period exact (years) Show overlapping events?