Brent Reservoir
Water body ID 41960
Brent Reservoir is a small freshwater lake located in Greater London, England. It is generally very shallow with medium alkalinity and is situated at low altitude.
Surface area | 49 ha |
Mean depth [i] | 1.5 m |
Catchment area | 7813 ha |
Grid reference | TQ21638728 |
Elevation | 37 m A.O.D. |
Perimeter length | 6 km |
Shoreline development index [?] | 2.25 |
Fetch distance [?] | 1.53 km |
Distance to sea [?] | 8.44 km |
Water body volume [?] | 742981 m3 |
Catchment-to-lake ratio [?] | 160.9 |
Elevation type | Low elevation |
Size type | Small |
Depth type | Very shallow |
Geology type | Moderate alkalinity |
Humic type | Unavailable (no data) |
This tab provides an indication of species occurrence in and around the lake. The data is provided by the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) and its use is subject to the NBN Atlas Terms and Conditions. These results are not indicative of the full range of species found at the site and should be used accordingly. For more information about this tab please read Where do the biological data come from?
Common name | Scientific name | Rank | UK Lakes Group | Observations |
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The following connectivity metrics are preliminary results from the NERC Hydroscape project and show a small sample of the data created for analysing the connectedness of lakes. As well as the hydrological catchment, various buffers were created outwards from the lake outline — the largest (2km) is shown below.
Catchment mean elevation [?] | 78.88 m |
Catchment mean slope [?] | 2.37 ° |
Catchment lake area [?] | 0.07 % |
Catchment pond area [?] | 0.06 % |
Catchment strahler 1 length [?] | 27313.40 m |
Catchment strahler 2 length [?] | 19118.25 m |
Catchment strahler 3 length [?] | 13307.89 m |
Catchment strahler 4 plus length [?] | 1277.83 m |
Catchment obstacles count [?] | 33 |
2km buffer river length [?] | 12361.71 m |
Water quality monitoring data for this lake is available from the EA water quality service.
The below dropdown is prepopulated with a list of popular determinands.
The development of the database was jointly funded by the Environment Agency, Natural England, Countryside Council for Wales, and the Scotland and Northern Ireland Forum for Environmental Research (SNIFFER). Lake polygon geometry in Northern Ireland is based upon Crown Copyright and is reproduced with the permission of Land & Property Services under delegated authority from the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Crown copyright and database rights, EMOU206.2. Northern Ireland Environment Agency Copyright 2015. Lake polygon geometry in Great Britain is based on Ordnance Survey data and contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. Data about species occurrence presented on this page is provided by the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) and its use is subject to the NBN Atlas Terms and Conditions.